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Disciplinary Crossings in the Critical Musicologies


BU London Address, hosting event:

Boston University, 43 Harrington Gardens, London, SW7 4JU

Tel: +44 (0) 7244 6255



Wednesday, 8 March


8:30 Registration & coffee


9:00 Welcome

9:00 Michael Birenbaum Quintero (Boston University). Welcome.


9:05 Gregory Melchor-Barz: “Musicologies at Boston University: The 150th Anniversary of the CFA School of Music”




9:30-11:00 Praxis for the Critical Musicologies

9:30 Patrick Nickleson (University of Alberta): Music Study as a Mode of Address in the Critical Musicologies: Lessons from Black and Indigenous Studies””


10:00 Amanda Hsieh (Durham University): “Slow down, the Anglo-American ‘global’ turn!


10:30 Alexander Carpenter (University of Alberta) “The Future is Already Here: Pop Music Scholarship at the Nexis of the Critical Musicologies”


11:00 Short Break (15m)


11:15-12:15 Keynote Lecture

Anna Busse Berger (University of California, Davis): “How a Little-Known Music Scholar from Sierra Leone Changed the Agenda of a German Mission Society”


Lunch 12:15-1:15


1:15-2:45 Africa in the Musicologies

1:15 Janie Cole (University of Cape Town): “Africa in the World and the World in Africa: Rethinking Entangled Music Histories in a Global and Early Modern Indigenous Knowledge System”


1:45 Gregory Melchor-Barz (Boston University): “Encountering the History and Influence of African Music in the Critical Musicologies”


2:15 Martin Scherzinger (New York University): “Precolonial African Music and the Antinomies of Colonial Time”


2:45 Short Break (15m)


3:00-5:00 Cultural, Disciplinary, and Temporal Crossings

3:00 Rachana Vajjhala (Boston University): “Lords of Dance, Gods of Blue”


4:30 Marié Abe (Boston University): “The Poetics of Mishearing: Reimagining Historical Affinities through Ethiopian and Japanese Popular Musics”


4:00 Supeena Insee Adler and Decha Srikongmuang (UCLA): “Recovering a Lost Voice from Siam’s Earliest Musical Ambassadors” (virtual, 8:00 am Pacific)



7:00 Dinner, off site.

The Coopers Arms

87, Flood Street, London, SW3 5TB

+44 (0) 7376 3120












Thursday, 9 March


8:30 Coffee


9-10:30 Discipline and Musicological  Labour in the Academy

9:00 Ana-María Alarcón Jimenez: “Disciplinary Walls and Music Research in Spanish Academia” (virtual, 10:00am Central European)


9:30 Natalie Farrell (University of Chicago): “On Working Through It: Labor as Theory and Praxis in Critical Musicologies”


10:00 Richard David Williams (SOAS University of London): “Early Modernists teaching Bollywood: Present Trends and Possible Futures in the Study of South Asian Musical Pasts”



10:30 Short Break (15m)


10:45-12:15 Reframing Histories I

10:45 Brian Barone (Boston University): “‘No Such Thing as Music?’ Historical Ethnomusicology and the Music Concept”


11:15 Miki Kaneda (Boston University) “The John Cage Shock was a Fiction”: The 1960s Japanese Avant-Garde and Experimental Music as a Transnational Practice”


11:45 Julia Byl (University of Alberta): “Sonic Ecologies of the Sumatran Highlands”



Lunch 12:15-1:15


1:15-2:45 Reframing Histories II

1:15  Michael Iyanaga (William & Mary): “Reconstructing the Life of Anna Vieira dos Santos, c. 1895-1933: Notes on Ethnography as Atlantic History” (virtual, 8:15 am Eastern)


1:45 Michael Birenbaum Quintero (Boston University): “What Is This ‘Globe,’ ‘Music,’ and 

‘History’ in Global Music History? (And What Does It Mean for the Musicologies?)”


2:15 Olivia Bloechl (University of Pittsburgh): “Indigenizing Sound Materials in the Ohio Country 

Fur Trade” (virtual, 9:30 am Eastern)


2:45 Short Break (15m)


3:00-4:30 Discipline, Pedagogy, and the Institution


3:00 Brett Boutwell and Blake Howe (Louisiana State University): “The Musician in Society: A Post-Disciplinary Framework for the Undergraduate Music Classroom” (virtual. 9:00am Central)


3:30 David Irving (Institució Milà i Fontanals): “Dolmetsch Between the Disciplines: Convergences and Collaborations in the Early Music Revival”


4:00 Hedy Law (University of British Columbia): “Assembling Global Music History in the Academy” (virtual, 8:00 am Pacific)


4:30 Victor Coelho (Boston University): “Translational Musicology”

Disciplinary Crossings BU London

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